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LGBT- A Muslim culture invasion in the name of “freedom of choice”

Who would have thought that a time will come when “feeling a certain way” will change their identity (to them), and they would actually want others to believe this imprudent or fallacy mindset. Yes! I am talking about the recent fitnah “The LGBT Movement”, which has ironically entered our Islamic cultured country and belief system through European liberal puppets like Dr. Mehrub Moiz Awan, who blatantly advocate its agenda on the mainstream media.

So, where does this term LGBT originate from? LGBT is a result and influence of feminism, which was a result of colonialism about 200 years ago. Colonials from Europe attacked the Muslims of North Africa, Subcontinent, and Southeast Asia with the most easy to penetrate agenda “Muslims suppress and oppress their women from gender equality“. Through planted strategies and lies, they actually convinced the nations that women are no less than men when it comes to office work and higher management positions in the workplace. The first drop of faith left us by this anti-Islamic mindset. Allah has made male and females different to each other with at least 65000 genetic differences other than differences in the: pitch of the voice, muscle mass, bone density, hormones, chemical composition, genitals, physiologically, emotionally, and psychologically. These difference are stagnant and in rooted which cannot be changed by hormone injections or surgeries.

No one is born a transgender, our bodies declare it, biological sex is not designed, it is determined at conception by our DNA stamped into every cell of our body. Human sexuality is binary, either you are a male or a female. The in-between category “inter sex” is not a gender but an abnormality called gender dysphoria, which can be treated medically with surgeries in Islam. LGBT tries to umbrella the filth of gays, lesbians, bi sexual, and transgender under “inter sex” condition. Ironically, Pakistan has accepted the law without digging deep into the destruction it will bring to the Muslim society on the whole over a passage of time. The law says that if these three conditions are met then the person is a transgender (although inter sex is the right term). First law being if the person has two genitals then the person is a transgender, which is agreeable. Second law states, if a male gets castration due to any accident or illness then he is a transgender as well, which is totally wrong and unacceptable. Even if he is deprived of his manhood, even then it doesn’t make him a less of a man nor it allows him to sit in females or reach their private areas like ladies washroom, saloons, polling stations and parks etc as a female. Third law says that no matter what gender, if a man “feels” like a woman, he will be considered as a female and he can change his gender on his official documents with the state merely upon the “self-pursued gender” mechanism. This is the horrendous thing to imagine, let alone approve or practice. Imagine the consequences it will have when people will defy their bodies as made by Allah and live a life as they “feel” they should. A total disaster to Emaan, to your body, to the marriages, to the socio economic environment where men will sit next to women in saloons because they feel like woman and need a makeup touch.

Why Allah called it as the most grievous sin? Allah Azzawajal has mentioned in the Quran about sodomy in detail. This filthy sin was practiced by a political group (400 or 4000 in number) with such intense evilness that when Prophet Lut (AS) warned them and guided them to leave it, they came to the extent to exile the prophet from the land. Allah punished them in the most severe punishment ever given to another nation. It is said that Jibraeel AS uprooted the city from its foundations, lifted them as high as the borders of the sky and then turned them upside down. They were hit with stones with their names written on them. Imam Shifai’a and Imam Ahmad bin Hambal subscribe to this view that Homosexuals either married or not should be stoned to death. They also cite Hadith transmitted  by Imam Ahmad and narrated by Ibn Abbas that the Messenger of Allah saws said, “if you find anyone doing the deed of the people of Lut AS kill the doer and the one on whom he does it.” Tirmidhi 1456 Abu Dawud 4447, Ibn Majah 256. What should we do? We should openly condemn this act and give our shahadah to Allah that no matter what, we will never accept or tolerate this filthy law which has been hated the most our RAB. Allah ordered the stoning of the Zahidin (the pious people) first because they were watching the sin being done but out of fear they were silent. We shouldn’t repeat this mistake and speak till this law is taken back to not to call Allah’s wrath upon us. This sin is not only the most immoral act but it’s an open threat to our values, marriages, laws of inheritance, and to the Islamic society as a whole.

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